Below is a list of fun/interesting things in the BSV blockchain. Some are historical firsts, others are just fun or cool.
2018-11-15*** First block mined with Satoshi Vision *** Block #556767-
2019-01-03First block mined that was greater than 99MB but ended up as orphaned block Block
2019-01-03Second block mined that was greater than 99MB. It also sets the record for the highest number of transactions in a block (460,400) Block
2019-01-23First 17KB OP_RETURNTx
2019-01-24Image in op_returnTx 768792e4b43ca09578ed26b5befce7828a924db18a73fc433f64a46ef5e9239d-
2019-03-28Block greater than 113MB Block
2019-03-29Block greater than 124MB Block
2019-03-29Block greater than 127MB Block
2019-06-21First Metanet root nodeTx writes coinbase tag to celebrate 20 million WeatherSV transactionsTx
2019-12-24First block with Miner_Id Block #614551-
2020-02-04Contains script which was executed to lock in Genesis & fork off old nodesTx
2021-03-13Block greater than 638MB processed by TAAL, a new record Block
2021-08-16 13:38First Bitcoin block to earn its processor a higher return in transaction fees Block
2021-08-16 15:202GB block which generated over 10 BSV in transaction fees Block
2022-02-06 15:393.8GB Block with 9.7 BSV in fees Block