
( - )
2019-04-07 18:33:35
27,773 B

3 Outputs

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  • j"19HxigV4QyBv3tHpQVcUEQyq1pzZVdoAutMNk<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Tetris on Canvas, v.3.0 Sergey A Kryukov, derived work Based on algorithms and working prototype developed by Jake Gordon: License: MIT ( S A Kryukov implemented: Configurable game: board size, tetromino colors/shapes, score rules, timing Auto-resizeable depending on the browser window size Drop of tetromino to bottom Pause/continue Help FSM (states) Fixed random tetromino generation Javascript "strict mode" Code improvements, exception handling, readability, fixes Published here: --> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="generator" content="SAEditU Unicode editor, XHTML plug-in, (c) 2004, 2007 by S A Kryukov," /> <title>Tetris on Canvas</title> <style type="text/css"> /* */ /* for color shading/mixing */ body, html { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; background-color: Brown; } .noselect { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; 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to close help window&hellip;</p> </div> <div id="main"> <div id="left"> <p id="prompt">&nbsp;&nbsp;Press Enter&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/>to <span id="statusVerb"/></p> <div><canvas id="upcoming"/></div> <br/><br/><p>Score: <em id="score"></em></p> <p>Rows: <em id="rows"></em></p> <br/><p id="paused">Paused</p> </div> <div id="right"><canvas id="board"/></div> </div> <script> "use strict"; const version = "3.0"; const gameSizeInBlocks = { x:10, y:20 }; const key = { start: 13, // Enter (start/pause/continue) cancel: 27, // Esc left: 37, rotate: 38, // Up right: 39, down: 40, dropDown: 32, // Space help: 112 // F1 }; //key const delays = { // before piece drops by 1 row (seconds) start: 0.7, decrement: 0.003, min: 0.1 }; //delays const scoreRules = { addOnDrop: function(totalRemovedLineCount, currentScore) { return 10; }, addOnRemovedLines: function(lineCount, totalRemovedLineCount, currentScore) { return 100 * Math.pow(2, lineCount - 1); } }; //scoreRules const tetrominoColor = { /* ── */ I: "orange", /* ─┐ */ J: "orchid", /*┌─ */ L: "blue", /* ☐ */ O: "red", /* _┌ */ S: "lightskyblue", /* ┬ */ T: "yellow", /* ┐_ */ Z: "lawngreen" }; //tetrominoColor function TetrominoShape(size, blocks, color) { this.size = size; this.blocks = blocks; this.color = color; } const tetrominoSet = [ new TetrominoShape(4, [0x0F00, 0x2222, 0x00F0, 0x4444], tetrominoColor.I), new TetrominoShape(3, [0x0E20, 0x44C0, 0x8E00, 0x6440], tetrominoColor.J), new TetrominoShape(3, [0x0E80, 0xC440, 0x2E00, 0x4460], tetrominoColor.L), new TetrominoShape(2, [0xCC00, 0xCC00, 0xCC00, 0xCC00], tetrominoColor.O), new TetrominoShape(3, [0x06C0, 0x8C40, 0x6C00, 0x4620], tetrominoColor.S), new TetrominoShape(3, [0x0E40, 0x4C40, 0x4E00, 0x4640], tetrominoColor.T), new TetrominoShape(3, [0x0C60, 0x4C80, 0xC600, 0x2640], tetrominoColor.Z)]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tetramino: // // blocks: each element represents a rotation of the piece (0, 90, 180, 270) // each element is a 16 bit integer where the 16 bits represent // a 4x4 set of blocks, e.g. "J"-shaped tetrominoSet[1].blocks[1] = 0x44C0 // // 0100 = 0x4 << 3 = 0x4000 // 0100 = 0x4 << 2 = 0x0400 // 1100 = 0xC << 1 = 0x00C0 // 0000 = 0x0 << 0 = 0x0000 // ------ // 0x44C0 // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- </script> <script> /* Tetris on Canvas, v.3.0 Sergey A Kryukov, derived work Based on algorithms and working prototype developed by Jake Gordon: License: MIT ( S A Kryukov implemented: Configurable game: board size, tetromino colors/shapes, score rules, timing Auto-resizeable depending on the browser window size Drop of tetromino to bottom Pause/continue Help FSM (states) Fixed random tetromino generation Javascript "strict mode" Code improvements, exception handling, readability, fixes Published here: */ "use strict"; function Tetromino(shape, x, y, orientation) { this.shape = shape; //TetrominoShape this.x = x; this.y = y; this.orientation = orientation; } //Tetromino Tetromino.prototype = { first: function (x0, y0, orientation, fn, doBreak) { // fn(x, y), accepts coordinates of each block, returns true to break let row = 0, col = 0, result = false, blocks = this.shape.blocks[orientation]; for (let bit = 0x8000; bit > 0; bit = bit >> 1) { if (blocks & bit) { result = fn(x0 + col, y0 + row); if (doBreak && result) return result; } //if if (++col === 4) { col = 0; ++row; } //if } //loop return result; }, //Tetromino.prototype.first all: function (fn) { // fn(x, y), accepts coordinates of each block this.first(this.x, this.y, this.orientation, fn, false); // no break } //Tetromino.prototype.all } //Tetromino.prototype ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const layout = { upcomingPreviewSize: 5, // size of upcoming preview (in blocks), for "upcoming" canvas spacing: { outsize: 18, inside: 24, border: 1 }, statusWordSet: { start: "start", continue: "continue" }, blockSize: 0, main: element("main"), left: element("left"), right: element("right"), board: element("board"), upcoming: element("upcoming"), resizeBody: function () { = this.spacing.inside; = this.spacing.inside; = this.spacing.inside; = this.spacing.inside; = this.spacing.inside; = this.spacing.inside; = this.spacing.inside; let verticalSize = window.innerHeight - 2 * this.spacing.outsize - 2 * this.spacing.inside - 2 * this.spacing.border; this.blockSize = Math.floor(verticalSize / gameSizeInBlocks.y); let adjustedVerticalSize = this.blockSize * gameSizeInBlocks.y; = adjustedVerticalSize; let boardWidth = this.blockSize * gameSizeInBlocks.x; = boardWidth; let upcomingWidth = this.blockSize * this.upcomingPreviewSize; = upcomingWidth; = upcomingWidth; setText(rendering.statusVerb, this.statusWordSet.continue); let width1 = rendering.promptText.offsetWidth; setText(rendering.statusVerb, this.statusWordSet.start); let width2 = rendering.promptText.offsetWidth; = maximum(upcomingWidth, width1, width2, upcomingWidth); = this.spacing.border; = (window.innerHeight - this.main.offsetHeight) / 2; = (window.innerWidth - this.main.offsetWidth) / 2; this.board.width = this.board.clientWidth; this.board.height = this.board.clientHeight; this.upcoming.width = this.upcoming.clientWidth; this.upcoming.height = this.upcoming.clientHeight; rendering.invalidate(); }, //resizeBody resize: function () { try { this.resizeBody(); } catch (e) { showException(e); } } } //layout ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const game = { actions: { rotate: 0, right: 1, down: 2, left: 3, bottom: 4 }, orientation: { min: 0, max: 3 }, states: { cancelled: 0, paused: 1, playing: 2, current: 0 }, blocks: [], queue: [], duration: 0, // of current game score: 0, rows: 0, // removed rows delay: 0, // before movind down by 1 row current: null, next: null, setState: function (aState) { this.states.current = aState; rendering.invalidateState(); }, startContinue: function () { if (this.states.current === this.states.cancelled) this.reset(); this.setState(this.states.playing); }, cancel: function () { this.setState(this.states.cancelled); }, pause: function () { this.setState(this.states.paused); }, willHitObstacle: function (tetromino, x0, y0, orientation) { // tentative move is blocked with some obstacle return tetromino.first(x0, y0, orientation, function (x, y) { if ((x < 0) || (x >= gameSizeInBlocks.x) || (y < 0) || (y >= gameSizeInBlocks.y) || game.getBlock(x, y)) return true; // performance gain }, true); }, //willHitObstacle randomTetromino: function () { const chosen = tetrominoSet[randomInt(0, tetrominoSet.length - 1)]; return new Tetromino(chosen, randomInt(0, gameSizeInBlocks.x - chosen.size), 0, 0); }, //randomTetromino setScore: function (n) { this.score = n; rendering.invalidateScore(); }, addScore: function (n) { this.setScore(this.score + n); }, setRows: function (n) { this.rows = n; this.delay = Math.max(delays.min, delays.start - (delays.decrement * this.rows)); rendering.invalidateRows(); }, addRows: function (n) { this.setRows(this.rows + n); }, getBlock: function (x, y) { return (this.blocks && this.blocks[x] ? this.blocks[x][y] : null); }, setBlock: function (x, y, shape) { this.blocks[x] = this.blocks[x] || []; this.blocks[x][y] = shape; rendering.invalidate(); }, clearQueue: function () { this.queue = []; }, setCurrentTetromino: function (t) { this.current = t || this.randomTetromino(); rendering.invalidate(); }, setNextTetromino: function (t) { = t || this.randomTetromino(); rendering.invalidateUpcoming(); }, reset: function () { this.duration = 0; this.setScore(0); this.setRows(0); this.blocks = []; rendering.invalidate(); this.clearQueue(); this.setCurrentTetromino(; this.setNextTetromino(); }, //reset update: function (dTime) { if (this.states.current != this.states.playing) return; this.handle(this.queue.shift()); this.duration += dTime; if (this.duration > this.delay) { this.duration -= this.delay; this.drop(); } }, //update move: function (direction) { let x = this.current.x, y = this.current.y; switch (direction) { case this.actions.right: x += 1; break; case this.actions.left: x -= 1; break; case this.actions.down: y += 1; break; } //switch if (!this.willHitObstacle(this.current, x, y, this.current.orientation)) { this.current.x = x; this.current.y = y; rendering.invalidate(); return true; } else return false; }, //move rotate: function () { const newOrientation = (this.current.orientation === this.orientation.max ? this.orientation.min : this.current.orientation + 1); if (this.willHitObstacle(this.current, this.current.x, this.current.y, newOrientation)) return; this.current.orientation = newOrientation; rendering.invalidate(); }, //rotate drop: function () { if (this.move(this.actions.down)) return; this.addScore(scoreRules.addOnDrop(this.rows, this.score)); this.dropTetromino(); this.removeLines(); this.setCurrentTetromino(; this.setNextTetromino(this.randomTetromino()); this.clearQueue(); if (this.willHitObstacle(this.current, this.current.x, this.current.y, this.current.orientation)) this.cancel(); }, //drop dropTetromino: function () { this.current.all(function (x, y) { game.setBlock(x, y, game.current.shape); }); }, //dropTetromino dropDown: function () { while (this.move(this.actions.down)) { } }, //dropDown removeLine: function (n) { for (let y = n; y >= 0; --y) for (let x = 0; x < gameSizeInBlocks.x; ++x) this.setBlock(x, y, (y === 0) ? null : this.getBlock(x, y - 1)); }, //removeLine removeLines: function () { let complete, n = 0; for (let y = gameSizeInBlocks.y; y > 0; --y) { complete = true; for (let x = 0; x < gameSizeInBlocks.x; ++x) if (!this.getBlock(x, y)) complete = false; if (complete) { this.removeLine(y); y += 1; // recheck same line ++n; } //if } //loop y if (n > 0) { this.addRows(n); this.addScore(scoreRules.addOnRemovedLines(n, this.rows, this.score)); } //if n }, //removeLines handle: function (action) { switch (action) { case this.actions.left: this.move(action); break; case this.actions.right: this.move(action); break; case this.actions.rotate: this.rotate(); break; case this.actions.down: this.drop(); break; case this.actions.bottom: this.dropDown(); break; } //switch }, //handle clickBody: function () { if (this.states.current === this.states.playing) this.pause(); else this.startContinue(); }, //clickBody click: function (event) { try { this.clickBody(event); } catch (e) { showException(e); } }, keydownBody: function (event) { if (event.keyCode === {; event.preventDefault(); return; } //if help let handled = false; if (this.states.current === this.states.playing) { switch (event.keyCode) { case key.left: this.queue.push(this.actions.left); handled = true; break; case key.right: this.queue.push(this.actions.right); handled = true; break; case key.rotate: this.queue.push(this.actions.rotate); handled = true; break; case key.down: this.queue.push(this.actions.down); handled = true; break; case key.dropDown: this.queue.push(this.actions.bottom); handled = true; break; case key.cancel: this.cancel(); handled = true; break; case key.start: this.pause(); handled = true; break; } //switch } else if (event.keyCode === key.start) { this.startContinue(); handled = true; } //if if (handled) event.preventDefault(); // prevent arrow keys from scrolling the page (supported in IE9+ and all other browsers) }, //keydownBody keydown: function (event) { try { this.keydownBody(event); } catch (e) { showException(e); } } } //game ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const rendering = { promptText: element("prompt"), scoreText: element("score"), rowsText: element("rows"), pausedText: element("paused"), helpWindow: element("help"), helpImageHelp: element(""), helpImageExit: element("id.exit"), badBrowser: element("bad-browser"), statusVerb: element("statusVerb"), boardContext: layout.board.getContext("2d"), upcomingContext: layout.upcoming.getContext("2d"), invalid: { board: true, upcoming: true, score: true, rows: true, state: true }, invalidate: function () { this.invalid.board = true; }, invalidateUpcoming: function () { this.invalid.upcoming = true; }, invalidateScore: function () { this.invalid.score = true; }, invalidateRows: function () { this.invalid.rows = true; }, invalidateState: function () { this.invalid.state = true; }, showingHelp: false, showHelpImage: function(doShow) { if (doShow) { = "inline"; = "none"; } else { = "none"; = "inline"; } //if }, //showHelpImage initializeHelp: function () { const versionElement = element("version"); versionElement.textContent = version; hide(this.helpWindow); hide(this.badBrowser, true); }, //initializeHelp help: function () { this.showHelpImage(this.showingHelp); setVisibility(this.helpWindow, this.showingHelp = !this.showingHelp); }, //help draw: function () { const drawTetromino = function (context, tetromino) { tetromino.all(function (x, y) { drawBlock(context, x, y, tetromino.shape.color); }); }; //drawTetromino const drawTetrominoAt = function (context, tetromino, location) { tetromino.all(function (x, y) { drawBlock(context, x + location.x - tetromino.x, y + location.y - tetromino.y, tetromino.shape.color); }); }; //drawTetrominoAt const drawBlock = function (context, x, y, color) { context.fillStyle = color; context.fillRect(x * layout.blockSize, y * layout.blockSize, layout.blockSize, layout.blockSize); context.strokeRect(x * layout.blockSize, y * layout.blockSize, layout.blockSize, layout.blockSize) }; //drawBlock const finerLines = function (context) { context.lineWidth = 1; context.translate(0.5, 0.5); }; //finerLines const drawUpcoming = function (context) { if (!this.invalid.upcoming) return; if (game.states.current != game.states.playing) return; const padding = (layout.upcomingPreviewSize - / 2; // half-arsed attempt at centering next tetromino display; finerLines(context); context.clearRect(-1, -1, layout.upcomingPreviewSize * layout.blockSize + 1, layout.upcomingPreviewSize * layout.blockSize + 1); drawTetrominoAt(context,, { x: padding, y: padding }); context.restore(); this.invalid.upcoming = false; }; //drawUpcoming const drawBoard = function (context) { if (!this.invalid.board) return;; finerLines(context); context.clearRect(-1, -1, context.canvas.width + 1, context.canvas.height + 1); if (game.states.current === game.states.playing) drawTetromino(context, game.current); let block; for (let y = 0; y < gameSizeInBlocks.y; y++) for (let x = 0; x < gameSizeInBlocks.x; x++) if (block = game.getBlock(x, y)) drawBlock(context, x, y, block.color); context.strokeRect(0, 0, context.canvas.width - 1, context.canvas.height - 1); // board boundary context.restore(); this.invalid.board = false; }; //drawBoard const drawScore = function () { if (!this.invalid.score) return; setText(this.scoreText, game.score); this.invalid.score = false; }; //drawScore const drawRows = function () { if (!this.invalid.rows) return; setText(this.rowsText, game.rows); this.invalid.rows = false; }; //drawRows const drawState = function () { if (!this.invalid.state) return; setText(rendering.statusVerb, game.states.current === game.states.paused ? layout.statusWordSet.continue : layout.statusWordSet.start); setVisibility(this.pausedText, game.states.current === game.states.paused); setVisibility(this.promptText, game.states.current != game.states.playing); this.invalid.state = false; }; //drawState, this.boardContext);, this.upcomingContext);;;; } //draw } //rendering ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function randomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function element(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function now() { return new Date().getTime(); } function hide(object, noDisplay) { = "hidden"; if (noDisplay) = "none"; } function show(object) { = null; } function setVisibility(object, visible) { if (visible) show(object); else hide(object); } function setText(object, text) { object.innerHTML = text; } function maximum() { let big = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let argument of arguments) { let value = arguments; if (value > big) big = value; } //loop return big; } //maximum function showException(exception) { //return; alert( + ":\n" + exception.message + "\n" + "\nLine: " + exception.lineNumber + "; column: " + (exception.columnNumber + 1) + "\n\n" + exception.stack); } //showException try { (function () { if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) // window.requestAnimationFrame = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback, element) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); } rendering.initializeHelp(); layout.resize(); game.reset(); window.onresize = function () { layout.resize(); }; document.onkeydown = function (event) { game.keydown(event); }; window.onclick = function () {; }; rendering.helpWindow.onclick = function () {; }; rendering.helpImageHelp.onclick = function () {; }; rendering.helpImageExit.onclick = function () {; }; let after, before = now(); (function frame() { after = now(); game.update(Math.min(1, (after - before) / 1000.0)); rendering.draw(); before = after; requestAnimationFrame(frame, layout.board); })() })(); } catch (e) { showException(e); } </script> </body> </html>>&rarr;</big>, <big>&darr;</big>: move</p> <p><big>&uarr;</big>: rotate <big>&orarr;</big></p> <p>Space: drop down</p> <p>Enter: start/pause/continue game</p> <p>Escape: cancel game</p> <p>F1: show/hide help</p><hr/> <!--<p>Please see: <a href=--> text/htmlutf-8 tetris.html